Maywood freestanding property with two retail storefronts, including a restaurant with a window pick-up for sale.

This two-storefront freestanding property has seen a recent build to include a fully fixtured and equipped quick service restaurant, complete with a private outdoor dining space and window pick up. Expand the restaurant or lease the adjacent space for additional income. Additional features include a twenty-car parking lot with three curb cuts for multiple ingress/egress onto busy 1st Avenue from traffic enroute to the Eisenhower Expressway nearby.

1117 S. First Ave., Maywood, IL

Size (Approx.)
2,012.20 SF (Bldg.)
16,687.50 SF (Lot)

Purchase Price
$399,000 (Real Estate)


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Georg Simos
312-575-0480 Ext. 21
773-294-4065 (Cell)